Meditation Practice Schedule
All are welcome to our sangha gatherings! You are invited to join the gatherings 15 minutes early to begin settling in and to create our sangha cradle before the start time. And know that you are welcome to silently join and/or leave our practice at any time.
IN-PERSON SANGHA PRACTICE: second and fourth Wednesday of the month from 7-8:30pm at the Asheville Friends Meeting place at 227 Edgewood Road in North Asheville. Each practice evening will include reading from a selected Plum Village book.
OUTDOOR SANGHA PRACTICE: On the first Saturday of the month we (usually**) gather outdoors at Weaverville's Main Street Nature Park from 10-11:30am for singing Dharma songs, walking meditation through the park, and Dharma sharing. Our first outdoor gathering of the year will be Saturday, April 6, 2024 at 10am. ** Join our Google Group for scheduling information, reminders, and weather-related cancellations.
CONTACT US! Contact us through email or by calling Bob at 207-313-0794. If you would like to be emailed updates and event announcements once or twice monthly, sign up for our newsletter.